Preparation for cleaning rims Moje Auto. SUPER STRONG RIMS is an acidic cleaning agent designed for cleaning and washing car rims, removing particularly difficult dirt, preventing discoloration and regenerating damaged aluminum. Effectively removes deposits from brake pads and other road dirt. Works well in cleaning aluminum and steel rims. Prevents corrosion, gives shine and restores the original shine to cleaned surfaces. Prevents discoloration resulting from sludge from brake pads. Cleans and regenerates aluminum.
Do not use for hubcaps and plastic parts.
Do you see dirt on your rims after the brake pads?
They lost their original shine?
Do you want to avoid discoloration?
The shine of clean and neat rims
For some, they are only rims, but for many, an important element of the vehicle’s equipment, which is responsible for the ventilation of the braking system elements, as well as the effective appearance of the car. As a result of exploitation and external influences on them, they may become corroded, lose their shine, discolor or become dirty with difficult-to-remove substances. The wheel cleaning agent is a “super strong” agent to fight dirt, corrosion and moisture.